There is often pain and anxiety and uncertainty
in dating and relationships.

And I can’t make that
go away. 

But I can teach you
to change your
relationship to it.


You don’t need more advice. 

But you may need someone to help you remember who you are.

And who you are is someone worthy of a safe, healthy, soul-stirring romantic relationship.



Our partnership will help you:

Learn how to live, date, and relate bravely, with authenticity and vulnerability

Find freedom, agency, power and hope

Regain clarity; uncover truths beneath your awareness 

Explore, in a deep and meaningful way, what’s preventing you from reaching your dating and relationship goals

Adopt a state of gratitude as you open yourself to possibilities

Live with less anxiety and more peace


I have lived with mental illness and addiction, in one form or another, since I was a child.

I became so unbelievably exhausted from trying to be anyone other than who I was.

Pain will make you spectacularly brave.

And there may be nothing quite as painful as living on the brink of becoming yourself.


 In 2020, I made the choice to get and stay sober.

And nothing has been the same since.  


 I am here to help you explore the truth of what you want and help you carve a path to get there.


I have the skills to do this work.

I have the education, training, and experience. 

But more importantly, I have the genuine heart for this work.

I am a trusted place to land.

I am hell-bent on ushering in liberation.


I remember the dark places I’ve crawled out of.

I think of how far I’ve come. 

And I see that possibility everywhere, in everyone.

I have a deep knowing that you can re-write your story and find love. 

you deserve a new narrative.


 When you acknowledge your truth, you exempt yourself from the burden of perfection and other people’s ideas of how your one, unique life ought to be inhabited.


Approach dating and relationships from a place of authenticity. Feel permission to be who you are — to live your life out loud.

Embrace your vulnerability, shed what no longer serves you, and feel free.

Feel resilient and powerful and confident about making choices and taking action in romantic relationships.

Feel deeply seen and heard and respected. 

Feel hopeful about your future.