You will either step forward into growth, or you will step backward into safety.

– Abraham Maslow

 Curious about working together?

Not sure what to expect from dating and relationship coaching?



The style of dating and relationship coaching I provide is centered on feeling safe and empowered so you can show up as your authentic self in romantic relationships.

Dating coaching could include helping you set up an online dating profile, exploring places to find appropriate partners, navigation through first, second, third, twentieth dates.

Relationship coaching is all about what’s happening within you as you experience your new or established romantic relationship.

We might spend time discussing:

  • How to identify red and green flags, and explore why you might be ignoring them

  • Help you learn to set boundaries, get to “no” quicker, and waste less time in the dating pool

  • Resilience after a breakup/divorce

  • Communication: having difficult conversations, building confidence 

  • Health/Wellness: adopting healthier habits, training for a marathon, improving sleep 

  • Spirituality: exploring your higher power, finding more meaning in your life 

  • Limiting Beliefs: “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never be successful” 

I create a safe space for women and men of all ages and backgrounds to step into power, possibility, truth, and vulnerability. 


What does it mean to have a “mindfulness-centered” approach to coaching?  

Mindfulness is having awareness of the present moment. Fine-tuning self-awareness, or awareness of a situation or dynamic, is a key component of improving all facets of our lives, especially our relationships. Personally, I’ve been deeply interested in mindfulness since my father passed away unexpectedly in 2015. As a result of the grieving process, I began studying mindfulness for my doctoral dissertation. In 2016, I completed a meditation course at the Advaita Meditation Center; meditation is a tool that I reach for every day. In addition to providing coaching, I will equip you with mindfulness practices that you can leverage as you navigate the inevitable twists and turns of dating and relationships.

How can I book a session?

Click the BOOK A CALL button below to indicate your interest in scheduling a complimentary discovery call. During this call, you’ll share some information about yourself and your dating/relationship goals, and I’ll explain the coaching process and my approach in more detail. Once you indicate your interest to connect, I will contact you within 2 business days to schedule our call.    

How many times will we meet and over what time period? 

This depends on what you’re hoping to achieve. Typically, a coaching engagement is a multi-session commitment (e.g., 6-9 sessions) and takes place over the course of approximately three months. It takes time to make changes and see results. We’ll discuss this during the discovery call. My primary goal is to make sure you get the support you need.     

What is the difference between coaching and therapy? 

Great question! While therapy and coaching share some similarities, there are also key differences between the two approaches. Therapy tends to involve a deep dive into the past, and is best suited for people who are struggling with significant disruption in their lives. Coaching is centered around uncovering and becoming your best self, and takes a forward-looking approach. It is not uncommon for someone to have a therapist and a coach. I have both!  

What does it mean to be a Certified Professional Coach (CPC)?  

Being a CPC means I’ve successfully completed an International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited coach training program - the gold standard for coaching program accreditation. I started my CPC training with the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) in Summer 2021 and will formally complete the program in Fall 2022. The Institute encourages its coaches to begin working with clients before the formal conclusion of the program; I began coaching clients in August 2021. Regardless of who you choose to work with as a coach, you’ll want to ensure that they were trained through an ICF-accredited program. As ICF-accredited coaches, we adhere to the highest ethical standards in the coaching industry. Anyone can call themselves a coach, but not everyone has been properly trained as a coach.  

Book a complimentary discovery call and see if we’re a good fit!